Towns and villages across the country are working on ‘Place Plans’. A Place Plan describes an area, its needs and ambitions. SEE OURS ABOVE.

Stranraer’s Place Plan is a community-led plan, creating working with local people. Our Plan could unlock millions in funding to help transform our town.


October 2022 – September 2024

  • From October 2022 to March 2023, we engaged with local people.
  • We drew on their insights and ideas to create a draft Place Plan for Stranraer.

April-June 2023

  • We produced a draft Place Plan.
  • We presented the draft Place Plan at a public meeting in June 2023.
  • We invited locals to rank priorities and held a month-long consultation.
  • We shared the draft online, with Community Councillors and Councillors, at meetings, at Assemblies for all years at the Academy and made copies available in print at Stranraer Library, in the Millennium Centre, at Gateway to Galloway, at the College and at the Reuse Shop.
  • We invited locals to Rank 6 Priorities and feedback on the Plan in a survey on Citizen Space (for reference only – now closed) .
  • 600 people responded.

July-August 2023

  • We published analysis of survey feedback on Citizen Space
  • We redrafted the Place Plan for its final version.

September 2023

  • Stranraer’s Place Plan submitted to Dumfries & Galloway Council for adoption.
  • Our Place Plan is adopted as a Local Place Plan forming part of the suite of Local Development Plans that guide Council Planning decision-making on changes in the local environment.
  • The Place Plan submitted to Borderlands Investment Growth Plan in September 2023 to bid for funding.
  • We aim to use the Plan to open discussions with Scottish Government to secure £6 million they promised us back when the ferries left. We will ask for it to be index linked.
  • 2023 A Place Plan has been produced for Stranraer, which has been endorsed by Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Economy & Resources Committee, approved by the Borderlands Place Programme Board and the Borderlands Partnership Board. The Stranraer Place Plan has also been adopted by Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Economy & Resources Committee as a Local Place Plan, in line with Scottish Government’s Planning Scotland Act (2009).

February 2024

  • Consultants ‘SLR’ are engaged to carry out the Borderlands Town Investment Plan (BTIP) appraisals. The production of an overarching HMT Green Book compliant BTIP for the proposed Borderlands investment.

May 2024

  • DRAFT  Project Specific Proposals agreed upon with community organisations and Town Team.
  • Digital Democracy Platform Commonplace is under construction. Expected Launch date 01/06/2024.

July 2024

  • Launch of the Democratic Digital Platform Commonplace for information, updates and engagement on the Place Plan priority projects. 
  • Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal Meeting at Gretna Green – Representatives gathered to discuss their experiences and share a vision of the way forward. 

September 2024

  • Borderlands Town Investment Plan considered by Dumfries and Galloway Economy and Resources Committee, before submission to Borderlands Place Programme Board.   

With our One Vision, One Plan approach, we hope this will be the start of a new chapter for the town.


    Our Place Plan will make sure that we all rise on the tide – everyone wins. Locals want more things to do, more opportunities and want this town fixed. And we’re on it already. We’ve got funding to build a new Watersports Centre, transform the George Hotel and expand the Marina. Those 3 things alone will transform our town. See more under Projects.


    In workshops, meetings and in conversations, we’ve listened to the concerns of locals. See a summary of their priorities.


    There are exciting projects in the pipeline. They become part of the Place Plan to support our One Vision, One Plan approach.


    No single organisation can deliver the change this town needs. All the key community partners are working together for change.


    If you’re excited about the potential for change, we’d love to keep in touch with you. We’ll share news about the Plan and you’ll get the chance to vote on ideas.


    The Place Plan is very much YOUR plan. We talked to local people over 6 months to understand their needs. USE YOUR POWER! Vote to shape change Stranraer’s Citizen Space.

    Creating Stranraer

    One vision, one plan